Support scams: These scammers will prey on a server’s official support channels.Or they may ask for funds along the lines of “send us £500 and we’ll double it to £1,000!” - I shouldn’t really need to tell you that this sort of thing is fake, right? Check the community’s official announcement channels and social medias for any genuine giveaway announcements, don’t just jump on the bandwagon because some random person told you about it. These “giveaways” will probably try to get you to share account details. Giveaway scams: Similar to the two previous points above, some scammers my privately or publicly share a link to a “giveaway” or to a server that is claiming to be hosting one.Calm down - nobody is going to give you a free rare Fortnite skin or an expensive premium CS:GO in-game item for nothing, it’s a scam.

These are easy to detect as they will often have spelling errors in their links, for example “Strean” instead of “Steam”, “Tvvitch” instead of “Twitch”, or “Nitr0” instead of “Nitro”. They are generally someone claiming to give away free games, free game content, free game accounts and free Nitro gifts.